Maintaining Work Motivation
Defining Work Motivation
The definition of motivation itself is the process of driving people to do actions to complete their desire. The key ingredient to motivation is having the willingness that is necessary to perform an action. Most people are driven by the satisfaction that is resulted from the aforementioned action. This feeling of accomplishment boosts their confidence which in turn increases motivation at work.
In a working environment, motivation is very crucial to keep up the company’s performance. As a manager, it is important to provide a shared goal to the team members. Communicating the goal and the importance of reaching it can help to motivate the team. This in turn will affect the company and working environment positively. Like a snowball effect, great performance and a comfortable working environment will bring satisfaction. Satisfaction will, in turn, provide the team with more motivation.
Current Work Motivation Problems
However, it is important to remember that there are various types of motivation. Motivation can stem from sources like personal goal or satisfaction, an order from an authority figure, peer pressure, or benefits. Each individual may need a different approach to be motivated. Team members may also react differently to difficult situations.
This easy to observe in this current pandemic time. A lot of companies may not be performing as well as it was in the pre-pandemic days. Many are forced to cut employee salary to be able to sustain the company. The unideal situation and the minimized salary can impact employee motivation negatively.
It is natural for employees to feel helpless. This condition creates uncertainty for everyone’s future. One by one company fall and employees are looking for ways to escape the rocking ship. However, finding a new job is almost impossible because most companies are looking for ways to minimize employees and save costs.
Gaining Motivation
In this seemingly hopeless situation, what should be done? None can tell for certain, but giving the company a chance may not be a bad option. The employee must believe that with solid teamwork, the company may survive. The essence of a company is good teamwork. If each and every individual work together and pour equally large effort into the company, good things may come out of it.
However, to get to that mindset, it is important to stay motivated. Countering demotivation can be done through the little things in daily life. Below are the small lists that may be helpful:
1. Get Organized
This may sound a little contradictory. ‘How do I become organized when I am not even motivated to work?’. A lot of employees may have already experienced this kind of dilemma. From experience, it is best to not start with large goals. Starting small and simple usually works. Organizing places like your office desk, your bedroom, your pantry, or even your desktop can do the trick. You will be surprised at how a little organizing can do wonders for your motivation. Being able to enjoy the results of your work will give you motivation. You will be able to feel that things are attainable, reachable, and doable as long as you put your mind to it.
Moreover, being organized also allows you to work without a lot of distractions. Providing you with the possibility of working efficiently. An efficient working mood can also help with motivation.
2. Take Care of Yourself
A healthy body will generally support a healthy mind. When exercising, the body produces endorphins to relieve stress and pain. This help the mind to think clearly and positively. Staying healthy and positive will also bring motivation to your daily life.
A demotivated person may find it difficult to do anything, let alone exercise. The easiest way to counter that feeling is to start small. Do not aim for a 30 minutes cardio exercise or a 60 minutes session at the gym. Start with ten to fifteen minutes of exercise at home. Do it again the next day and the next. Once you create an exercise routine not only will your body feels a lot healthier, your mind will also have the motivation to complete your routine. This feeling will be extended to work.
3. Controlled Procrastination
Sometimes procrastination is a good way to take a breath and slow down. Being overwhelmed with work-related things isn’t the best way to get work motivation back. However, procrastination is only good when it’s controlled and limited. Over procrastination can lead to a bad habit which can further demotivate an individual.
The most common form of procrastination these days are scrolling through social media feeds when you’re supposed to be doing something else. Truth be told, by experience, this could be addicting. Before you realized it, hours have passed and your work remains untouched. To prevent this, it is important to be self-aware. Create small schedules or alarms and set limits to procrastinations.
Also, as a plus don’t overwork as it may lead to burnouts. Find the balance between working and enjoying life. It will be difficult to re-motivate yourself to get back on track once you burn out all the motivations you have. Do things moderately and control your procrastination.